Public Resources

ANAC develops resources, including guidance documents and reports, to provide individuals working in the Canadian feed industry, as well as stakeholders, with information on feed related topics. This page houses publicly available resources developed by ANAC.

Overview of the Industry

Front cover of "Fundamentals of the Commercial Feed Industry in Canada"

Fundamentals of the Commercial Feed Industry in Canada

A primer which provides foundational knowledge and information to individuals unfamiliar with or looking for an overview of the Canadian feed industry.

Canadian Livestock Feed Consumption Statistics

An annual estimate of livestock feed consumption volumes in Canada, broken down by species and geography.

Why modernize the Feeds Regulations?

This resource is suited to introduce those inside and outside the feed industry to the motivation behind updating the regulations and the value this update will bring to a variety of stakeholders.

Feed Safety & Animal Health


Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

A dedicated webpage to facilitate access to the information and documents on the HPAI situation as it relates to the feed industry. This page will be updated regularly as more information becomes available.
Permits are required to move in, out or through the Primary Control Zones.

Front cover of the "National Biosecurity Guide for the Livestock and Poultry Feed Sector"

National Biosecurity Guide for the Livestock and Poultry Feed Sector

A guidance document presenting best practices, specific to the feed industry, that can be used both within a company and in conjunction with suppliers and customers, to limit the introduction and spread of animal diseases, pests and pathogens.

Biosecurity Video for Feed Mills

A 5-minute video highlighting feed mill-specific biosecurity measures and the crucial role of the livestock feed industry in preventing biological contamination. It’s a useful tool for onboarding new employees or reminding existing teams of the basics of biosecurity.

Antimicrobial Stewardship Guidance

A set of resources, including fact sheets and veterinary prescription templates, on the use and stewardship of antimicrobials in livestock feed.

Front cover of "Reducing the Impact of Ergot in Livestock Feed"

Reducing the Impact of Ergot in Livestock Feed

A review of ergot contamination in livestock feed including background information, proper sampling procedures and risk mitigation strategies.

Regulatory and Policy

Canadian Feed Ingredients Table (CFIT)

The CFIT replaced ScheduIes IV and V as the document listing single ingredient feeds approved for livestock in Canada. The most up-to-date version of the CFIT is available on CFIA’s website. A PDF version is not maintained.

My CFIA Platform

Information and resources to assist the feed industry in enrolling for and using the My CFIA online platform.

Establishment-based Risk Assessment model for feed mills (ERA-Feed Mill model)

Information and resources to assist the feed industry in understanding the Establishment-based Risk Assessment model for feed mills (ERA-Feed Mill model).

Streamlined Approvals for Category 1 Feed Registrations

Information, tools and resources to assist industry in understanding and ensuring the completeness and accuracy of eligible registration packages, a requirement when using this streamlined process.

Front cover of "Guidance for the Marketing of Animal Feed Products in Canada"

Guidance for the Marketing of Animal Feed Products in Canada

A document developed to encourage the orderly marketing and correct usage of animal feed products in the Canadian marketplace.

Producer Programs

Canadian Ractopamine-Free Pork Certification Program

Important information for commercial feed mills and retail outlets that supply feed or ingredients to pork producers or to other commercial feed mills that manufacture swine feeds.

Worker Health & Safety

Guidance: Hazardous Products Regulations (WHMIS 2015) for Grain Handling, Feed, Ingredient & Processing Facilities

Specific guidance for the Canadian feed industry on WHMIS 2015 and GHS.

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