ANAC Hazard Analysis Tool

Why did ANAC create this tool?

Hazard analysis is an important step when creating a feed safety plan (e.g. as required in the FeedAssure® program). Additionally, the proposed Feeds Regulations, 2022 require feed businesses to identify the biological, chemical and physical hazards that are present in their feed establishments, and determine whether they present a risk of contamination of the products. Any identified hazards must then be prevented, eliminated or reduced to an acceptable level using preventive control measures.

Feed facilities should be prepared to provide evidence supporting their hazard analysis process to satisfy the requirements of ANAC’s FeedAssure® program as well as the proposed new Feeds Regulations, 2022. This may include a review of the relevant information available publicly (e.g. scientific literature reviews, feed safety databases) and internally (e.g. internal databases, historical records) or specifically related to the feed products or suppliers used.

During the comprehensive review of the FeedAssure® program, conducted in 2020 and 2021, the steering committee identified the availability of hazard analysis training and tools as a significant gap. This identification led ANAC to create this database which houses information that will aid members in performing their hazard analysis.

Why is this tool especially useful to Canadian feed facilities?

This tool was developed by the Animal Nutrition Association of Canada (ANAC) to assist feed manufacturing facilities to perform their hazard analysis. This tool consolidates publicly available information related to hazards in common feed ingredients used in Canada.

This resource provides information obtained from a scientific literature review. Publications referenced are from the past 20 years (2000-2021) and from around the world. Industry experience or historical knowledge in Canada known to ANAC were also incorporated where relevant, especially where the literature referenced did not support industry experience or historical knowledge.

The tool has been developed based on the hazard analysis table and risk assessment chart in the FeedAssure® v.4 2022 program manual.

Finally, examples related to major feed safety, biosecurity and feed fraud incidences provide more information and awareness of risks. Relevant information on factors that may contribute to the risk of the feed ingredient has also been included to help users understand these risks when sourcing feed ingredients.

How does this tool support a hazard analysis?

Hazards in feed can be introduced at different stages, including:

  • when receiving raw materials (e.g. intrinsic in the source, introduced during manufacture and transport of the raw material)
  • during the manufacture of feed (e.g. through cross-contamination, created in the process)
  • during transport

The output of this tool is based on potential inherent risks in raw materials before they are transported or introduced into the feed facility, and in the absence of controls. The process steps that present potential hazards during further mixing and manufacturing should be evaluated for risk and the need for preventive controls. Preventive controls may be able to be applied prior to receiving the ingredients into the facility or during subsequent steps to reduce, mitigate, or control risks.

The information and assessments provided in this tool serve only as a starting point for facilities when creating their site-specific hazard analysis and feed safety plan. Many factors may contribute to the risk of a hazard, such as the characteristics of the hazard itself, the livestock being fed, manufacturing process of the ingredient and origin/source of the ingredient.  The tool should ideally be used by individuals who have had some training in hazard analysis and should not be used in isolation. Knowledge history by facility staff and experts should also be taken into account when applying the information to a facility’s feed safety plan.   


ANAC is not responsible for decisions made based on this tool. Literature links have been included where possible so that users may verify any discrepancies and/or learn more on a specific hazard.

Threshold and regulatory levels have been included for some ingredients. However, the regulatory levels should be reviewed periodically against official government references, especially if they are a key factor in the risk analysis, as regulatory levels can change with time.

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