Canadian Livestock Feed Consumption

Estimates for 2022

Canadian livestock consumed an estimated 29.2 million tonnes of feed (not including forages) in 2022. Approximately 19.5 million tonnes of that feed was supplied by commercial mills across Canada. 

The livestock feed industry is an essential part of Canada’s agri-food economy. As an integral part of the food value chain, the sector intersects with a wide range of stakeholders from grain growers to producers of meat, milk and eggs. In 2022, international exports of livestock feed and feed ingredients generated approximately 3.33 billion dollars in revenue.

Through the Canadian Livestock Feed Consumption resource, ANAC aims to provide annual estimates of livestock feed consumption volumes in Canada, broken down by species and geography. This information will help stakeholders understand livestock feed demand in Canada and will aid in tracking changes in the Canadian feed industry. 

Estimates for 2021

Estimates for 2020

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