The Canadian feed industry recognizes the importance of using antimicrobials responsibly while ensuring optimal animal health and welfare. Nutrition plays a key role in achieving this balance and ANAC continues to work collaboratively with government and industry, both domestically and internationally, to support antimicrobial stewardship.
Use of antimicrobials in livestock feeds
As of December 1, 2018, all medically important antimicrobials to be mixed in livestock feeds (category I, II and III antimicrobials) are available by veterinary prescription only. ANAC and Health Canada have developed fact sheets for industry to provide information on the use of prescription drugs in livestock feeds.
ANAC Fact Sheets:
Health Canada Fact Sheets:
Antimicrobial drug classification in Canada
Health Canada is responsible for categorizing antimicrobial drugs based on their importance in human medicine. Visit Health Canada’s website for a list of antimicrobial drugs categorized based on their importance in human medicine.
Veterinary prescription templates for livestock feeds
Veterinary prescriptions for drug premixes being mixed in feed must comply with Canadian regulations. Health Canada, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and ANAC have developed templates, by species, for use by veterinarians when writing veterinary feed prescriptions. The use of the templates is optional however they do include all elements required for a veterinary feed prescription to be compliant with applicable regulations.
Veterinary Prescription for Medicated Feed (PDF):
Other useful links
Health Canada – Responsible use of Medically Important Antimicrobials in Animals
Canadian Animal Health Institute – Antimicrobial Stewardship