African Swine Fever

What is African Swine Fever?

African Swine Fever (ASF) is a virus that only infects pigs; it is not harmful to humans. The virus causes severe disease in pigs – more than 95% of pigs that are infected will die. ASF spreads through both direct and indirect contact with infected pigs or products containing pork, as well as contaminated farm equipment, feed and clothing. It poses a significant risk to the health of the Canadian swine herd, pork industry and the Canadian economy.

ASF has been spreading rapidly throughout countries in Europe, Asia and Africa over the past 2.5 years. To date, no countries in North America have detected ASF. In Canada, ASF is a reportable disease under the Health of Animals Act. All suspected cases must be reported to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).

Resources from the CFIA

Biosecurity for the feed industry

The feed industry must be vigilant with biosecurity measures and put in place heightened controls in and around infected premises. Download ANAC’s National Biosecurity Guide for the Livestock and Poultry Feed Sector to obtain details on heightened biosecurity in the event of a disease outbreak.

Remind feed mill employees of the crucial role the livestock feed industry plays in preventing biological contamination with the Biosecurity Video for Feed Mills.

If you have any questions regarding the ASF situation, please contact Sarah Hopkins at shopkins@anacan.org.

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