Supply Chain

Work stoppage at BCMEA facilities starting Monday, November 4

Despite mediated labour negotiations this week between the British Columbia Maritime Employers Association (BCMEA) and the International Longshore & Warehouse Union (ILWU) Local 514 (representing ship and dock forepersons), BCMEA member facilities at all west coast ports are set for a complete shutdown starting Monday, November 4.

Work stoppage at BCMEA facilities starting Monday, November 4 En savoir plus

Use phosphorus responsibly during shortage

In an already tight phosphorus (P) market, Canada’s main supplier of feed grade P, Mosaic, has declared a force majeure. Currently, it is looking as if Canada’s P supply will be low for the rest of 2024 and remain fragile throughout the first half of 2025. It is essential that the feed industry works together to ration the supply of P to ensure that all livestock receives adequate nutrition.

Use phosphorus responsibly during shortage En savoir plus

24 Hour strike notice issued for Port of Montreal

The Port of Montréal Longshoremen’s Union, CUPE Local 375, has issued a strike notice consisting of a complete stoppage of work on Port of Montréal territory for 24 hours, from Sunday, October 27 at 7:00 a.m. to Monday, October 28, at 6:59 a.m. This action includes dockworkers at all terminals of the port (including the Contrecœur terminal).

24 Hour strike notice issued for Port of Montreal En savoir plus

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